Muhammad Qasim | Muhammad Qasim Dreams

Muhammad Qasim | Syed Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Karim Dreams

The Path to Gaining Allahs Support A Life Free from Polytheism Shirk
Muhammad Qasims Divine Dreams Special Guidance from Allah
Allahs Special Blessing and Muhammad Qasims Journey of Dreams
Allahs Promise to Muhammad Qasim Glad Tidings of Success
Unity of the Muslim Ummah A Vision for a Powerful and Prosperous Future
The Rise of Islam and a New Era under Muhammad Qasims Leadership
The Divine Announcement of Islams Revival
Signs of the Last Days and Messages for the Ummah
Major Signs of Judgment Day The Dajjal Yajuj and Majuj and Jesus peace be upon him
Ghazwatul Hind Battle of India A Pivotal War for the Survival of Islam
The Path to Gaining Allah's Support A Life Free from Polytheism, Shirk
Muhammad Qasim's Divine Dreams Special Guidance from Allah
Allah's Special Blessing and Muhammad Qasim's Journey of Dreams
Allah's Promise to Muhammad Qasim Glad Tidings of Success
Unity of the Muslim Ummah A Vision for a Powerful and Prosperous Future
The Rise of Islam and a New Era under Muhammad Qasim's Leadership
The Divine Announcement of Islam's Revival
Signs of the Last Days and Messages for the Ummah
Major Signs of Judgment Day The Dajjal, Ya'juj and Ma'juj, and Jesus (peace be upon him)
Ghazwatul Hind - Battle of India A Pivotal War for the Survival of Islam
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Muhammad Qasim | Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul Karim Dreams


Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul Karim was born on July 5, 1976, in Lahore, Pakistan. Since his childhood, Allah kept him under His special care and made him a spiritual and special person. Qasim’s mother says that as a child, Muhammad Qasim loved to play with toys that had the names of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on them. Unlike his other siblings, Qasim often played with these toys, showing his special attachment to Allah and His Messenger. When Qasim was around 4 or 5 years old, he saw his first dream. In the dream, a man selling balloons said to him, “Qasim! There is a staircase on your house’s roof that goes straight to Allah.” Qasim quickly ran to the roof and saw the staircase going up to the sky, and he started climbing it. Whenever it rained, Qasim would go to the roof and look up, wondering where the rain came from. He loved playing with balloons and would watch them go up into the sky for a long time, thinking where they would end up.

Early Dreams of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

At the age of 12 or 13, Muhammad Qasim saw a dream where both Allah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came together. In that dream, the Prophet (PBUH) chose Qasim for a great mission. When Syed Muhammad Qasim was 17 years old, a series of dreams started, and they continue till today. So far, Qasim has seen Allah in a veil in his dreams more than 800 times and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) over 500 times.

Qasim’s Personality

Muhammad Qasim is 6 feet tall and has a graceful appearance. He has a broad forehead, sharp eyebrows, an aquiline nose, and a mole on his cheek. His family traces back to the Quraish tribe of Arabs, giving him the title of “Syed Quraishi.” Syed Muhammad Qasim bin Abdul Karim is very humble and simple. He speaks softly, eats moderately, and always greets people first. He never boasts, admits his weaknesses openly, and treats others better than himself. He never likes to sit in special seats and prefers to sit with common people.

In a dream, Allah told Qasim, “When you eat, clean your plate with your fingers. I will plan for you.” Allah gave Qasim five special instructions:

  1. Stay away from all kinds of shirk (associating partners with Allah).
  2. Do not be arrogant or boastful.
  3. Praise(Zikr) of Allah always.
  4. Send blessings (durood) on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  5. Never lose hope in Allah’s mercy.

Dreams of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Syed Muhammad Qasim explains that his dreams are so clear, they feel like real life. But when he wakes up, he realizes it was just a beautiful dream. The total number of Qasim’s dreams is very high, as he has been seeing them for 31 years. Out of these, he has seen Allah in veil more than 800 times, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) more than 500 times. In one dream, Allah told Qasim, “Because of your humility, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) comes running to your dreams.”

Allah’s Promises and Muhammad Qasim’s Wait

In many dreams, Allah promised Qasim that He will help him one day and give him success. But Allah didn’t tell him when this day will come. Qasim has been waiting for the last 31 years, wondering when Allah’s promises will be fulfilled. In 1994, in a dream, Allah told Qasim, “The promises I have made to you, I will surely fulfill them. If I fail, I am not the King of the worlds.” In 2003, Allah told Qasim, “Until my promised time comes, even if you put your hand in gold, it will turn into dust. But when my time comes, even if you put your hand in dust, it will turn into gold.”

Rebirth of Islam Under Qasim’s Leadership

In one dream, Allah told Qasim, “Tell people about the dreams I have shown you. I want to show the world who you are.” Allah promised that Qasim’s dreams will spread across the world, and one day, he will become a famous person and the leader of Pakistan. First, he will save Pakistan from darkness, and then the whole world will come into the light of true Islam. Under Qasim’s leadership, Muslims in the East will spread the true teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and the whole world will be filled with peace, starting from Pakistan. In a dream from 2002, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told Qasim, “My son, do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy. It is impossible for you to exist and strange things do not happen. In your time, the earth will bring out its treasures, trees will give more fruit and fewer leaves, there will be endless blessings, and no one will remain poor. There will be peace everywhere, and justice will be served like never before.” Under Qasim’s rule, Muslims will develop future technologies and lead the world in education, health, economy, and defense. Western countries will say, “These people were once very weak and took loans from us. Now they are ruling the world.” In one dream, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Qasim, a time will come when Pakistan will make everything by itself, even space shuttles.”

Unity of the Muslim Ummah Under Muhammad Qasim

Today, despite being 1.8 billion in population, Muslims are suffering everywhere. Islam is the fastest-growing religion, but Muslims are like straws in the flood. They own the world’s biggest natural resources, but many Muslim countries are struggling with poverty and economic problems. The main reason is the lack of unity and sincere leadership. In his dreams, Qasim has seen that Muslims rise again. Indonesia, Malaysia, and Bangladesh form a union with Pakistan, and these Eastern Muslims establish a new world order, filling the world with justice and spreading the true teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Ending Shirk and Allah’s Help

In many dreams, Allah has emphasized the importance of staying away from shirk. In one dream, Allah told Qasim, “Never think I will forgive shirk. I may forgive anything on the Day of Judgment, but not shirk.” In another dream, Allah said, “Qasim, even a small picture in your pocket, if you don’t need it, can be a form of shirk.” The main message of Qasim’s dreams is to avoid all kinds of shirk, whether it’s statues, pictures, or graves. Allah has told Qasim that as long as he avoids shirk, He will help him. In one dream, Allah said, “This world has never been so full of shirk as it is today. People don’t even recognize shirk anymore. I am helping you, Qasim, because you are staying away from shirk.” Qasim believes that if Muslims want Allah’s help, they must remove shirk from themselves and their country. Otherwise, they can forget about Allah’s help and success.

Ghazwa-e-Hind and the Third World War

Muhammad Qasim has seen the Ghazwa-e-Hind (the great war fought in defence, against India) many times in his dreams. This war is part of the Third World War, which is a battle for the survival of Islam. Before this war, two of Islam’s Fortress, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, will be destroyed, and Pakistan will be the last Fortress of Islam. Protecting Pakistan will be like saving Islam itself. According to Muhammad Qasim’s dreams, small conflicts involving Israel, Palestine, and other Arab countries will eventually escalate into larger wars, including widespread destruction in the Middle East. Temple of dajjal creation will lead to drag many countries in to war and thus World War III starts. In this war, the United States and European countries will attack Turkey, while Russia, although appearing as an enemy of the U.S. and its allies, will secretly cooperate with them. This will be exposed later during a war between Pakistan and India, known as the Ghazwa-e-Hind. After the first Islamic fortress fall of Turkey, the second fortress of Islam, which is the Arab world, will also face devastation. Allah will help Muslims and give them 3,000 black fighter jets, and with Allah’s help, Muslims will win and take over all of India. Then, these Muslims will join the war in the Middle East, where World War III is already happening. With their black fighter jets, Pakistan will strike in a way that no one can stop. After defeating America and Russia, Pakistan will become the sole superpower and recover the lost lands of the Muslims, rebuilding them again.

Dajjal, Gog and Magog, and Prophet Isa (AS)

Qasim has seen in his dreams that after peace spreads across the world, Dajjal will appear to disrupt it. In April 2015, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told Qasim, “My son, before the Day of Judgment, four great signs will appear. The first is your appearance, my son Qasim. After that, the second big sign will be the rise of Dajjal, and the last two signs will be the return of Prophet Isa (AS) and the destruction caused by Gog and Magog.” According to Qasim’s dreams, a great number of people will die in the war against Dajjal, and most of them will be Muslims. Then, Gog and Magog will emerge and spread all over the earth, causing massive destruction. Only a few people will survive, and they will live with Prophet Isa (AS). Qasim believes that we are the final generation that will witness the coming of Dajjal, Gog and Magog, and Prophet Isa (AS). He says, “I cannot imagine that the Day of Judgment is so close, and very soon, we will all be standing before our Lord in the field of Hashr (the Day of Resurrection).” Qasim has also seen in his dreams how people will rise from their graves on the Day of Judgment, just like plants growing out of the ground.





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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The first dream that I had in my life came to me when I was about five years old. After that, when I was around thirteen, I had another dream. Then, when I was seventeen, I began to have dreams continuously, and these series of divine dreams have continued to this present day.

“I have been having these dreams for more than 30 years. Before this, I never shared these dreams with anyone. If I had any personal gain or interest, such as wanting to become famous or anything else, then a person usually does such things in their youth. When they desire to be famous and want people to listen to them, they do such things at a young age. If I had wanted to share these dreams for personal reasons, I would have done so when I was younger. Now, as I grow older, sharing these dreams doesn’t hold much significance for me, nor can I gain much benefit from them.”

“On April 20, or maybe April 22, 2014, I had a dream for the first time in which I was instructed to share the dreams I had been shown, with other people. So, I was a little surprised that how come this order is suddenly coming after so many years, in my dream. I thought it better to wait a little. After that, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also appeared in my dream and told me to share the dreams that I had been shown with people to save Islam and Pakistan. In December 2014, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told me twice in the same dream that I should share the dreams that have been shown to me, with the people, to save Islam and Pakistan. When I was having these dreams, I did not know why these dreams were coming to me. What was their purpose? I had no idea why I am being ordered like this. It was a shocking thing for me too. How can it be that if my own family members do not believe in these dreams, others will believe in them? Muhammad (PBUH) told me in a dream that I should share my dreams with others. So now you tell me that if Muhammad (PBUH) came to you in a dream and ordered you to do a task, would you refuse him? So there is no Muslim who would deny (a direct command from) Muhammad (PBUH), all Muslims will be ready to sacrifice their life, wealth and everything for Muhammad (PBUH). So in the same way, when Muhammad (PBUH) gave the command, I said that even my life is ready to be sacrificed for you (O Messenger of Allah). These are only dreams and bad comments do come often. I feel a little hurt, but I have to carry on with the task given to me by Allah and Muhammad (PBUH).”

“In this context, you can infer from these points that these dreams are from Allah (SWT) and they are not from Satan. First of all, what I have been admonished most in my dreams is to avoid polytheism and its forms. So now Satan cannot come to someone in a dream and tell him not to commit shirk, and believe in the Oneness of Allah (The Exalted). Secondly, that I praise and glorify Allah (SWT), in the morning and in the evening. So Satan cannot tell someone in a dream that you praise and glorify Allah (SWT) in the morning and in the evening. And then the third thing that was said to me is to send blessings and salutations on Holy Muhammad (PBUH). He who is a devil cannot tell any of these three tasks to anyone in a dream. I was also told in a dream in 2008 that I should read Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq and Surah Nas before going to sleep so that Satan stays away from me. Another point is that no one can tell such a lie in the name of Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (Muhammad PBUH) and it is not possible that someone keeps telling lies in the name of Allah and His Messenger and Allah (SWT) continue to help him.”

“After Imran Khan fails. He ponders on why he failed, what was the reason behind his failure? Then they come to know about my dreams. Then he inquires about those dreams in detail. Then I tell them what the reasons for his failure were. How did all this happen? Then after that the Army Chief comes to know about these dreams. Then he inquires in detail. So after that what came to me in dreams is that, when the Army Chief comes to know, then after that Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) goes to the Army Chief’s dream, that is, he tells the Army Chief through a dream that Qasim is not lying to anyone about his dreams. His dreams are true and everything is going to happen exactly as it is shown to him in his dreams. Because, now he (Army Chief) believes, so after that he takes a bold step. Then the people and institutions of Pakistan make plans according to these dreams.”

“Allah (The Exalted) is the Lord of the Will, whether He takes the sun from the east or from the west. No one is authorized except Him. He (Allah the Exalted) chooses people for a task. Now Allah knows best why he chose me for this job. Why can’t the Army Chief have these dreams by his own? This is only the planning of Allah. You see other examples (from history). When Pakistan was created, Father of the Nation (Muhammad Ali Jinnah) mercy be upon him, was chosen for this. Then Allah created a state Pakistan through him. Just think, there is no huge good deed I committed, for which i am having these dreams as a reward. In this respect, it is the will of Allah (SWT) and his mercy that I have been having these dreams.”

“Listen, what I have been shown in my dreams is that until this country is cleansed of shirk and its forms, the help of Allah (SWT) will not arrive. Now you tell me what is the meaning of the word Pakistan? A pure place. A pure place, meaning a place, where there is no shirk. Allah will not help Pakistan, until that time when shirk and its forms are being removed from this country.  What is now happening is that, and it’s been seventy years, many political leaders have come, martial law was imposed, we saw different types of governments, and all tried to bring progress and prosperity to Pakistan, but that prosperity never came. Neither of these plans succeeded nor did we progress as we expected because we stopped protecting ourselves from shirk and its forms. When Pakistan is purified of shirk and its forms, then Allah will help, our plans will succeed as intended, and Allah will begin to shower His blessings and mercy. Just as Prophet Ibrahim (AS) broke the idols and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) broke idols during the conquest of Makkah and cleaned that place from polytheism. Now you look at me, I am not a very religious person; I am in front of you as I am. So what came to me in my dreams is that if Allah (SWT) is helping me, it is because I protect myself as much as I can from shirk and its types. So only then does Allah (SWT) Almighty help me and such people whom I have never even met, I do not even know them, they believe in these dreams from all over the world and translate them into their own languages and share them. It is impossible without the help of Allah.”

“I had a dream: the first sign of my dreams, is that attempts will be made to turn Pakistan into “Tora Bora” (make Pakistan unstable and divide it in parts). May Allah Almighty (SWT) not let such a time come to Pakistan. But the enemies of Pakistan are planning, for example many countries in the Middle East were broken or underwent Arab Springs (protests in the Arab World in 2010). Similarly, they also want to do something in Pakistan. But then Allah (SWT) helps Pakistan and as I said, these dreams reach the Army Chief. Then he gets witness, then the institutions of Pakistan plan according to these dreams to save Pakistan and Islam. Then Allah (SWT) helps Pakistan, and we not only successfully save Pakistan but Pakistan progresses very fast. Then the treasures of Allah Almighty (SWT) and peace and blessings start to descend on Pakistan.”

“In Islam, dreams hold great significance. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that prophethood ended with him, and the chain of revelation also ended, but “The Good News” (mubashirat) will continue. The Companions asked what was meant by this “Good News”, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) replied that they are true dreams. If you have studied history, you would know that Nuruddin Zangi also had dreams in which he was informed about two men who intended to reach the blessed grave of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He then searched all over Madinah, found those men, and had them decapitated. It was discovered that they were indeed close to reaching the blessed grave. From this, you can understand the importance of dreams in Islam.”

“I follow the religion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and Insha’Allah, I will remain steadfast on it. I also pray to Allah (SWT) to let me die following the religion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). As for the rest, I am a Sunni Muslim. I have never really understood these sects. In my dreams, I have been shown that the path of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the best path. I try to follow that path, and my entire effort is to reach Allah, the Lord of all worlds, by following that path.”

“On my own, I have shared my dreams through emails to different government organizations and to those Army websites. Then, in January 2015, I started sharing these dreams publicly on the internet and after that, people began to believe. If you ponder, you’ll see that I have no personal interest in this. If I had even 1% interest, I would have come on live sessions on YouTube with people like Brother Imran; I would have done them myself.”

“My friends and I sent emails to many famous scholars on social media, sharing these dreams with them, but I did not receive any response from any of them.”

“A very intense war will be imposed on Pakistan, which is referred to as the prophesied “Ghazwa-e-Hind” in hadith. In this war, Pakistan will be on one side alone, and the enemies of Islam and Pakistan will be on the other. In this war, Allah will help Pakistan with approximately three thousand black fighter jets, and Pakistan will win this war with Allah’s help. After that, Pakistan will move into the Middle East, defeat superpowers like Russia and America, and not only that, but it will also recapture the areas that Muslims had lost in Turkey and the Middle East. Pakistan will then rebuild these areas and spread the true Islam of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).”

“The worst thing is the destruction of Muslims, where they continue to suffer, which you could call World War III. It starts in the Middle East, and Muslim even loose Turkey. Many areas of the Middle East are lost, and I have seen very heartbreaking scenes of this destruction in my dreams. The good news is that Allah helps Pakistan. In my dreams, I have seen three fortresses, one of which is Pakistan. Allah helps Pakistan, and eventually, Pakistan rules the entire world, which is then filled with peace.”

“You can look at my first post on the internet; it’s still there. By looking at that post, you can easily tell that I am not a planted person. It is completely unprofessional. The posts I made on Facebook and the videos I uploaded on YouTube—if you read them in English, it will seem like they were written by a fifth or sixth-grade child. If an agency launches someone, they do it in a professional manner, ensuring that there are no flaws or gaps, with professional language and professional in every aspect. You can see my first post; the entire history is available on the internet. You can check it yourself. Another important point is that if an agency were to launch someone, they would choose a popular person, someone who already has a following. Why would they choose someone like me, who isn’t even known in his own neighbourhood?”

“You can see that I am an ordinary person, barely known even in my own neighbourhood. And when I started sharing these dreams, I was alone at that time. Now, by the grace of Allah (SWT), you can see that people from all over the world, even many whom I have never met, believe in these dreams. There are people I have never met and with whom I have never even chatted (on internet). But they not only believe in my dreams, but have also translated them into their languages, made videos, and uploaded them. This cannot happen without the help of Allah. Some people say that what you think about during the day is what you dream about at night. However, there are many scholars today whose entire job is to guide people on religious matters and to preach Islam, but very few of them have such dreams. This is proof that it is not necessary that what a person thinks or does during the day is what they dream about at night.

Allah always creates something unique, and if these dreams have never been shared or created by anyone before, it means that they are indeed special and from Allah.”

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